Membership & Publications

We Support a network of Branches who provide the opportunity to meet friends on a regular basis for worship, fellowship, and social activities.
Our Branches give visually impaired and blind people the opportunity to meet friends on a regular basis for worship, fellowship, and social activities.
The Newsletter contains Branch news, thought provoking material and anything members would like to share, published three times a year in large print, braille, memory stick and USB memory stick.
The Companionship of Prayer is a month by month Prayer Cycle published three times a year in large print, braille, memory stick and USB memory stick.
There is a small annual fee for membership, which will include the Guild Newsletter and Companionship of Prayer, the Guild Manual, which contains The Guild Office, St John’s Guild Stations of the Cross and other forms of worship. A membership card including the Rule of Life and a Guild Cross, all provided by St John’s Guild main office.
- Getting involved with blind and visual impaired people in your church and community.
- Identifying people for the following roles, who will lead the group
Branch Secretary
Treasurer - A minimum of 6 members including the people above.
- Open a bank or building society account, in the name of St John’s Guild. i.e. St John’s Guild (YOUR AREA) Branch.
- Locate a venue (most branches usually operate from their church, but you can pick where ever is convenient)
- Visual awareness training is available from the Chair Person of St John’s Guild, if requested.
- Most Branches meet regularly once a month for worship, fellowship, and social activities.
Guild Trustees and staff are available to help start up and launch of Branch.
If you wish to join an existing branch contact us.

New Daylight Notes, BRF – Bible Reading Notes
The Guild subsidises the monthly production of the braille edition of BRF “New Daylight” bible study notes.
New Daylight covers a varied selection of Old and New Testament, biblical themes, characters and seasonal readings.
Each day offers a short Bible passage (text included), thought-provoking comment and a prayer or point for reflection, and aims to give a fresh, devotional approach to Bible reading.
It is ideal for anyone wanting an accessible yet stimulating aid to spending time with God each day, deepening their faith and their knowledge of scripture.
This publication is available in Braille only through St John’s Guild at a reduced cost subsidised by St John’s Guild. BRF produce New Daylight but due to cost of braille we take that extra cost away for you, so you will only pay the same as if you were getting regular print, deluxe format, daily email, audio and as an app for iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch and Android.
For further information on all of the above please contact us.